Friday, March 15, 2013

Educational campaigns around water comsumption in the US

In the past, different countries all over the world have launched campaigns to promote adequate hydration. As more and more people choose to drink soda and other beverages high in sugar, a worldwide campaign for drinking water is called for, definitely. The United States, of course, is not far behind in this advocacy.

The Role of Water in Disease Prevention and Cure

A poster designed by the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene urged people to drink 500 mL of water at least four times a day, indicating the recommended daily water intake for the majority. The poster encourages people to drink water to help relieve headaches, heartburn, and joint pain. About eight out of every ten Americans are dehydrated – and the poster made sure to state that statistic.

The poster brought many important facts to the table. For instance, it said, “Drinking enough water is the single most important thing you can do for your health.” The poster promoted water in “500 mL units” – that is, as PET bottles containing 500 mL water.

In another poster from the same organization, water was promoted as ice cubes – or 14-gram tablets – which were labeled as “rapid-release water”. The smart and humorous messages of these posters helped drive an important point: Water helped relieve many mental health issues, such as depression and mood swings.

Rethink Your Drink

"Rethink Your Drink" is a water campaign that started in San Francisco, California. Their campaign discourages the consumption of soda or other sweetened drinks. Launched in 2010, this campaign also encourages people to drink water, with the help of infographics that challenge people to stay soda-free during the summer.

Another poster from the same campaign, enumerates a few soda-related statistics. It mentions how even just a single 12-ounce serving of soda can have up to 12 teaspoons of sugar.

Why People Should Drink More Water 

The United States is also part of the WaterAid movement, which helps promote awareness regarding clean drinking water. One of their posters, reminds people to drink water while sharing interesting hydration facts.

For instance, people should drink water as it can boost one’s energy levels. After all, water comprises about 60 percent of the body. Even mild dehydration leads to an inability to concentrate, making water an important tool in enhancing work efficiency.


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